Exemptions & Exclusions: Vehicles, Vessels, Aircraft – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I apply for a CDTFA-111, Certificate of Use Tax Clearance?

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) are required to collect use tax upon registration by new owners of vehicles, undocumented vessels, and mobile homes. In order for these agencies to complete registration without collection of use tax, they require a clearance certificate issued by the CDTFA.

To apply for the use tax clearance certificate (CDTFA-111), use CDTFA's online services and select Request Use Tax Clearance for Registration with DMV/HCD under the Limited Access Functions. Or you may submit application form CDTFA-106, Vehicle/Vessel Use Tax Clearance Request. The application must include all the identifying information, the claimed reason for exemption, and must be signed by the purchaser. Copies of any documentation verifying the exempt nature of the transaction should be included, as well as a copy of the current title. Family transfers require documentation showing the relationship between buyer and seller (or transferor and transferee). Trust transfers require copies of the trust title page, signature page, and property description pages, etc.

You may mail, fax, or personally submit the application to your local office or the Consumer Use Tax Section at the following address:

Consumer Use Tax Section MIC:37
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
PO Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279-0037

Some offices are not equipped to provide this service. Please call in advance to confirm service is available. If your clearance request is approved, you will receive a CDTFA -111, Certificate of Use Tax Clearance. Upon presentation of the CDTFA -111 at DMV or DHCD, you will be allowed to complete registration without payment of use tax. However, this will not relieve you of your use tax liability if use tax is later determined to be due.

Additional information for requesting a use tax clearance can be found in publication 52, Vehicles & Vessels: Use Tax.

What are the exemptions or exclusions from the use tax?

As described in publication 52, Vehicles & Vessels: Use Tax, the following is a list of exemptions and exclusions from the use tax that may apply:

Commercial Deep Sea Fishing

Not all fishing vessels are used in an exempt manner. The vessel must be used in commercial deep sea fishing activities outside the three mile territorial waters of California, by persons regularly engaged in commercial deep sea fishing, and the principal use of the watercraft must occur outside the territorial waters of this state. If your annual income from commercial deep sea fishing activities is less than $20,000, it is presumed that you are not regularly engaged in commercial deep sea fishing and the exemption is therefore inapplicable, unless you can establish to the contrary.

Documentation required includes:

Interstate and Foreign Commerce

Purchases of property that are both first functionally used outside the state of California and are used continuously in interstate or foreign commerce (both within and outside California), and not exclusively in California, are exempt from the use tax. For example, a purchase of a ferry boat to transport passengers between Los Angeles and Catalina Island (two California ports) does not qualify for the exemption, even though the vessel may travel through international waters to arrive at its destination. However, the purchase of an aircraft regularly used in transporting passengers from Mexico to Canada may be exempt, even if it stops at various airports in California to pick up additional passengers. For more information see Regulation 1620, Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

Alternatively, under the 12-month test, vehicles, vessels, and aircraft first functionally used outside California will not be regarded as purchased for use in this state if the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft is brought into California within 12 months after its purchase and one-half or more of the miles traveled by the vehicle, or nautical miles traveled by the vessel, or flight time traveled by the aircraft during the six-month period immediately following its entry into this state are miles/nautical miles/flight time in interstate or foreign commerce. See the page outlining the 12-month test provisions for specific requirements. You may also see publication 110, California Use Tax Basics for more information.

If you intend to claim an exemption for Interstate and Foreign Commerce, you do not have to wait to register. Please visit our Online Services webpage and select the option to File a Return or Claim an Exemption for a Vehicle, Vessel, Aircraft, or Mobile Home under Limited Access Functions. We will contact you at the end of your test period to request documentation to support your exemption claim.

Please note: In order to ensure you have adequate documentation to support your exemption claim, you should retain copies of these records for a minimum of 8 years.

Family Transfers

The Sales and Use Tax Law provides an exemption from the use tax when the person selling a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft is related to the purchaser as either:

This exemption does not apply if the seller is engaged in the business of selling the type of property for which an exemption is claimed. (For example, a car or boat dealer.) Additionally, the exemption does not extend to sales to stepparents or stepchildren if a natural parent or child is not involved in the sale nor does it apply to transactions between ex-spouses after a decree of divorce.

To qualify for the exemption, the relationship between buyer and seller must be verified by marriage license, birth or adoption certificate, or any other documentation that is official and/or verifiable and confirms the qualifying relationship. (Revenue and Taxation Code section 6285.)

For information on transfers as part of a divorce decree or settlement, please see Involuntary Transfers.

Property Received as a Gift

Changing the ownership of a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft may or may not cause a taxable sale or purchase. If the donor did not pay tax on a purchase of a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft because it was purchased for resale, the donor owes use tax on the purchase because making the gift is regarded as a taxable use of the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft.

On the other hand, if the donor paid tax on the purchase of a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft, and there is no consideration given to obtain the property, making the gift is regarded as a nontaxable use of the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft.

Consideration can take many forms such as cash, a loan, a trade, or assumption or cancellation of a debt. In order to qualify under this provision, it must be established that the property was transferred from the donor to the recipient with no requirement on the recipient's part to compensate the donor in any way. A signed, notarized statement from the donor is usually required. Please note: The donor must have the legal authority to transfer the vehicle, vessel, or aircraft.

Transfers Into and Out of Corporations

A transfer of property into a commencing corporation solely in exchange for first issue stock is not subject to tax. The corporation must acknowledge receipt of the property and verify that the only consideration given is stock in the company. If the corporation assumes any liabilities as consideration for the transfer, tax will apply to the transfer. If a corporation gives property, such as a depreciated vehicle, to an employee as payment of wages or compensatory bonus and a W-2 form, Statement of Wages Earned, is required to be issued, tax would apply on the monetary value given to the property in lieu of cash. If the transfer is a gift (other than a gift of property withdrawn from the corporation's resale inventory), no use tax would apply.

To qualify, a copy of the Articles of Incorporation and Minutes of the Meeting of the Corporation detailing the transfer is required. When a corporation is dissolved and distributes assets to stockholders, no tax applies, provided the assets are distributed in accordance with the stockholders' ownership in the corporation and the assets were not inventory being held for resale. A copy of the Certificate of Election to Wind Up and Dissolve describing the disbursement of the corporate assets is required to support an exemption.

For more information, see Regulation 1595, Occasional Sales—Sale of a Business—Business Reorganization.

Transfers Into Revocable Trusts

A transfer of property into a revocable trust is exempt from tax provided all the following apply: