Auto body supplement request form questions

repair process forms
body shop repair process forms

Our “Repair Process Forms” Blue Print the entire Collision Repair Process for Each and Every
vehicle by introducing “Standard Operating Procedures” (SOP’s) into the work place. These forms
are designed to Reduce Repair Cycle Time, Increase Profit Margins, Reduce Costly Warranty Come
Backs, Minimize Liability Claims and Maintain Bureau of Automotive Repair (B.A.R.) Compliancies

BLUE PRINT - Your Repair Process with “Standard Operating Procedures” (SOP’s)

ABOUT: “Tear-Down & Inspection Procedure” - Form

“Blue Print Your Repair Process:

This Repair Process Form acts as a “Work-Order” and assigns a technician to the vehicle within 30-
minutes of being dropped off at the store. It initiates the 1st phase of the repair by instructing the
Technician to “Tear-Down” the vehicle for an estimate within the next 3-hrs.

This Repair Process Form “Prevents Repair delays” and “Improves Repair Cycle Times”. The
biggest cause of poor “Repair Cycle Times” is that there is too much delay between the time a
vehicle is dropped off, at the store, to the time the estimate is prepared (The average delay in the
industry has been measured as 2-3 days).

This Form Automates the 1st Phase of Repair!

Within 30-minutes of the vehicle being dropped off at the store, the estimator “Maps” out the vehicle
using a “Posca” pen to indicate area of damage and what parts the technician needs to Remove.
The estimator then takes photos of the 4-corners of the vehicle and detailed photos of the damaged
area (Per Insurance Carrier Guidelines).
The estimator will reflect & assign an appointed technicians name on the “Tear Down Work Order”.
The estimator will then initiate the 1st-Phase of the repair by ensuring that the vehicle and a copy of
the “Tear-Down Work Order” is brought into the technicians work bay, within 30-minutes of being
dropped off.
“Tear-Down”, for estimate, is to be completed within 3hrs & estimator notified.

Body Shop: “Labor Procedure Check-List” - Form

ABOUT: “Labor Procedure Check-List” - Form
Not ALL labor Procedures are listed or reflected in your estimating program or P-Pages. In addition
to just replacing parts and painting panels, there are many other labor procedures that need to be
carried out during the repair process. On the “Labor Procedure Check-List” below, we have listed
most of the labor procedures and materials that are commonly left off the estimate for repairs. This
is typically labor tasks that the technician performs and you are not getting paid for it. As a result,
your profit margins are being impacted. Our “Check-List” conforms to I-CAR Standards, Guidelines
and Repair Procedures and in most cases are needed to meet and adhere to Factory Standards.

Benefits of “Labor Procedure Check-List Form”
Improves your “Profit Margins” by assisting the Estimator to “Write Detailed Estimates” and “Capture
Labor Tasks” up front and “Materials” that will be used in the Repair Process.
Improves and Reduces “Repair Cycle Times” by Reducing unnecessary Supplements which leads to
delays while waiting for Insurance Adjusters to approve them.
Additional delays will be experienced due to Supplement Parts delivery (2-3 days)

Body Shop: “Supplement Request” - Form
ABOUT: “Supplement Request” - Form
This is one of the most commonly used forms in the “Collision Repair Industry”. It is an integral part
of the “Standard Operating Procedures” (SOP’s) in the workplace. This form helps to develop a
smooth flow of repair and maintain quality communication between the shop technicians and
This form eliminates mis-communication between the estimator and repair technicians.
It prevents delays during the repair. Approving the supplement allows the technician to continue with
the repair, knowing that he will get paid for his additional labor.
It helps to keep the store compliant to BAR Regulations by guiding technicians to report the “Parts
they No Longer Need and Wish Them to be Returned”. Hence avoiding “Work-Billed-Not-Performed”
allegations. These allegations can result in your store being closed down.
It is also a constant reminder for the estimator to input the supplement into the estimate and not
forget to include it in the billing process for the Insurance Carrier and/or Customer.
CAUTION: In accordance to the B.A.R. and Insurance DRP Providers, it is imperative that a
supplement for repairs be entered into the estimating system, and uploaded to the Insurance
carriers prior to starting any supplemental repairs or ordering parts. In addition, authorization must
also be obtained from the customer (See “Customer Authorization Form”)

Body Shop: “Quality Inspection” QC - Form
ABOUT: “Quality Inspection” - Form
Insurance DRP Providers (Pre-Requisite)
This form is a “Pre-Requisite” for over 80% of the Insurance DRP Providers. They want reassurance
that their clients vehicles were inspected for “Quality Workmanship” and “Safety” before you hand
them the keys.

Minimize Costly “Warranty Comebacks”
Implementing a “Quality Inspection”, prior to delivery, will prevent most of the common issues that
relate to Costly “Warranty Come-Backs”. Warranty Comebacks are not only upsetting for clients and
Insurance Carriers but will also undoubtedly impact your “Customer Service Index” (C.S.I.) scores.