Company Car Policy


The company car policy defines the guidelines for eligibility on company-owned vehicles and also enables eligible employees to opt for company-leased vehicles for official and personal use.

This policy template is available for download in Word format.

With this Company Car Policy Template, you can:

In just a few minutes, you will be able to create a company car policy. This policy covers rules to be followed with respect to:

Company Car Policy


The Company Car Policy has been formulated in order to introduce an employee-friendly and easy-to-administer car scheme in order to facilitate easy commuting for its select employees towards official duties.

Scope and Applicability

Employees in < Grade / Level / Designation >and above are eligible to participate in this scheme. There are two types of programs:

Scheme A: Company-owned car program Scheme B: Company-leased car scheme

Eligible employees can opt for either of the schemes. All applicable taxes are to be borne by the employee under these schemes.

